Ascension Nxt
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Ascension Nxt
Ascension Nxt was established in 2014 by Ashley Vingi, who was simply following a dream she believed in.
Ascension Nxt holds the values of honesty, integrity, truth and authenticity. We firmly believe in the expansion and evolution of the collective towards the Ascension process.
Our facility holds both online and in person workshops, classes and events along with a storefront for all of your metaphysical and mystical needs. To learn more about events, please check out our events page on Facebook or Eventbrite.
About Our Owner
Ashley is here to shake and awaken the world. She embodies unapologetic truth and integrity in her work. If you are serious about learning about your intuitive abilities and inner strength, Ashley is the one to work with. If you want to play spiritual and be force fed spiritual fluff, Ashley may not be the one for you. Everything Ashley teaches and facilitates is next level, and is designed to help with serious growth, changes, acceleration, and expansion in all areas of life.
Ashley is the proud owner and creator of Ascension Nxt, a beautiful facility that holds workshops, classes, events and produces Magickal tools for your metaphysical practice and needs. She is certified in over 8 Metaphysical practices, is an experienced Coach, Reader, Healer and Spiritual Teacher. Ashley dedicates her life to her work and is truly passionate about her purpose work, which is to awaken and empower humanity.
If you desire to work with a truly passionate and dedicated Spiritual Practitioner for coaching, healing, and/or learning then you have found the right person, she was made for this. She embodies the Galactic energies which are currently emerging on the planet in order to bring humanity to the next level of evolution.
We are all here to create massive shifts and changes and we all carry a piece of the Divine within us. Ashley is here to be a guide to help you dig into to the core of your power and allow that energy to emerge into your reality. You are worth it and the planet is in need of highly developed people for the future of humanity.